As you know I went back to the States over Christmas. And quite frankly it was the most wonderful time-minus the procrastination and paper writing. It is wonderful to be able to go back home, where your parents are and just be at least partially a child again. Of course a lot has changed, after all for the first time I had been independent and living on my own, this somehow changes the dynamic of things..but at the same time it doesn't because to your parents no matter how old you are you are the child. Daddy does always say I'm his baby, and I will always be his baby even when I'm 50, and even though that at times is weird-there is something very soothing about knowing that you will always be someones precious child :)! It is something I used to never think about, and take for granted-but being away I do realize that I love my parents so so much and I miss them! The same of course goes for my sister-some things stayed the same, but it seems that we kept the arguing to a minimum, as a matter of fact one of the favorite things when I was there was us going and painting a picture for New Years! Also road tripping to Kentucky!! Awesome :) and now I get to be an auntie to a little well who knows but it'll get spoiled :D!!!!! Well once I am done with school and have a job, but still-everything changes but I think from going home some things will not! I love going home.
As for coming home-I missed my little apartment in Bremen.It is wonderful to come of the plane and have a friend waiting for you, someone who will take you home, wait for you to shower then go for food and shopping :)! Since I've been back I have seen all of my friends on many occasions and I realize just how lucky I am. I had friends in the U.S. but except for a fair few, which I will not specify, they were mostly fake-the friends I have made here are real, they care about my well being and that is awesome! I wish I would never have to leave, but graduation is approaching therefore I am writing my thesis and steadily applying to different programs as well as to teaching jobs such as teach for America. I am also considering the Peace Corps. We will see what pans out. For now I thesis write and enjoy my friends company. They are quite brilliant and always there for me :) I shall try to keep you updated