Sonntag, 22. April 2012


Since September I have been a PhD student, and working on the topic that I will hopefully be able to follow over the next years to produce a wonderful PhD thesis. Unfortunately after months of research and work-I had found a dissertation that covered my entire chosen topic-it was over 800pages long. So disgruntled I went home in December-with a new topic idea but having very little to show for my work! Of course this sucked! And I was not a happy camper-but upon my return I worked on this new topic-reading and researching-researching and reading and managed to write up a nice proposal by the end of March. I have now successfully defended it and can happily say that I am officially an accepted PhD student that has finished her first milestone :). Except for some reports of progress my only job now is to read all the material and write my dissertation that I may also be a graduating student-as my mother is this year!

I couldn't be prouder of my mother!! And I am happy that I have such a good role model to look up to! My proposal in hand and complete I am sure that I can and I will be able to work at a steady pace on my dissertation and hopefully be able to finish within the next 2 years as it is expected! 

Well that's that for my happy update :)
now the excitement of traveling in a few days! Going home!!! TN here I come