Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013

It's time... start blogging again. I know some of you have been waiting for a new post since November and here it finally is.
In previous blogs, I was trying to be Vegan on a budget-well that ship has sailed. I have figured out for myself that being Vegan is not the best path-and that I have to find a better way to improve my eating habits. I have recently had a doctors appointment and we did the usual check-ups and he told me I am healthy and nothing was off. He was happy with all of my blood results, my blood pressure was fine, and after checking my organs he was happy as a clam except for one minor issue my weight. This has been a sore subject with me for years, almost as far back as I can remember. And I think that it is time to honestly talk about it, and to make a healthy change in my life. It has taken me years to accept who I am, and the way I look-this does not mean that I am always happy with the way I look, I do have my off days but for the most part I am happy. However, I know this is not a healthy lifestyle for me and I know that even though it is not yet so, it could have repercussions in the near future. I have to make a change for myself, and I know that in order to do so, I need to change my physical activity, as well as my eating habits and I need to want to make these changes. So I decided for the sake of accountability I want to share with everyone what I am doing, and how I am bettering my life in order for those check ups to keep coming back with good results.

Rome wasn't build in a day. This is an old saying, and a perfect one to start off this journey and my blogging about this journey. I read somewhere that it takes 4 weeks, for you to establish a new habit. If this habit is positively reinforced it is easier to keep it up. So bear with me, and with the mistakes I will undoubtedly make. No matter what in life you are trying to change, it all has to start with a goal, my major goal is to be healthy and happy-however, I also need small easily attainable goals. So every week I intend to have a new goal, something that I can achieve, and celebrate. To start this week off I have two goals one being that I eat more fruit. I often buy apples, grapes or bananas and except for the bananas it seems that I am always throwing away rotten fruit, I think this is a bad habit, I should remember to eat a piece of fruit everyday. They make a great snack, as they both keep you satiated and hydrated (due to their water content). So the first is more fruit. My second goal is to do the exercises from the Physical therapist daily. These are important for my shoulders health and they will get me started with exercise.

I realize these goals are very small, but I want to come back with a definite success-it will keep me motivated in the starting days/week, as this is often were I fail setting the bar too high. Now I intend to write weekly updates, and new goals, so if you are interested in following what I am doing, please remind me if I have not posted a new updated on Friday.

Lastly, every journey has trials and tribulations no matter which one it is a new job, budgeting, health no matter what you do it will not all be easy, and handed to you on a silver platter. It is very likely you will have an off day, and as I heard Dave Ramsey say in a lecture "You will screw up" but when you fall off that horse, get right back on it. Don't let one small screw up, destroy all the progress that has been achieved thus far.
This is a journey of becoming healthy, not a journey of weight loss, not a journey of looking a certain way-but a journey of feeling good, of having energy and of knowing what your body needs.

I hope you enjoyed my post and are excited about the posts to follow :)