Dienstag, 30. April 2013

The Farmers Market

This weekend I did something wonderful!!! I went to the farmers market-and by golly I had forgotten how much I love the farmers market-you can get so much fresh fruit and fresh vegetables-and in the end it's so much cheaper than going to the grocery store!!! Enjoy some pictures of my loot :)
who doesn't love Wirsing?? and some lettuce :) 

amazing for salads yumm yumm

have to wash those mushrooms-don't want no bugs and dirt

broccoli and cauliflower 

this ones for my Mami :) 

Zucchini taste good in anything!!!!

Freitag, 12. April 2013

Power is knowledge and knowledge is power

Without any knowledge-we don't go anywhere in life. And nowadays finding the right information might be a little overwhelming. There isn't just one small library, and three fact books. No there are tons and tons of information, tons of dieting, weight loss, health tips. These can be found as books, as blogs, as programs etc etc. And every person then has to make sense of all  this information.
In the end there is not one "change your life" perfect program. Some people do better with low carb, vegetarian/vegan, or calorie counting others need a program to follow such as weight watchers. There are many ways to go about this. But before such a decision is made I think it is important to find information. One should never just follow one persons advice on losing weight, or on being healthy. Though there is not one right way, there are definitely wrong ways. I myself have read tons of books-some about this new vegan trend, others by fitness gurus popular today. When it comes to knowledge about healthy eating I think I have it, (so much so that I can even tell my friends why the gym going they are doing is not giving them the adequate results...)! Now what do I do with all this knowledge-I have to turn it into power-power to change my life, power to be healthy and to ultimately be the me I want to be.
The number one rule is that change cannot happen if you do not have a goal in mind. There has to be an end goal, but also an attainable in between goal. It is here that I often fail, as I do not give myself little goals-however I have found two perfect goals that I want to attain, and a reasonable time in which to do so :)
Goal 1: I have a pair of jeans that I love. They are awesome, and looked really good on me-but now they are about 1 size too small. So by the time mom comes for vacation to Germany I would like to fit back into these jeans. That's a month and it's possible.
Goal 2: To do 5 real push ups. In my entire life I cannot remember ever being able to do a real push up (Army Style) By August I want to be able to do 5! I think that is more than doable and it's a goal I can work for!
I need to use my good health knowledge to empower me, instead of just others and that is what I am doing :)