Samstag, 2. Juli 2011

Mir fliegen gleich die Löcher aus dem Käse....

...and other such silly things. Often you under-appreciate and take things for granted, especially your family. Perhaps, because you are so close to those you love it is also easy to get into little squabbles or find some of their ticks annoying but at the end of the day this is your family and you wouldn't want to miss them. My momma's visit was great :) specially our daily (sometimes forced) walks yay for walking.
Also being with Oma is great, though that is also mostly under-appreciated or it was until she went back to the hospital now that she is better I realize that she is not something to take for granted :)
I've been spoiling her, cooking tea when she forgets, cleaning the house, doing dishes YAY
mmh...other than that I am just figuring out my future, what to do, what to do????
I'm a really bad blogger sorry O.o
Mehbe I do better next time
till then

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